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The F2B Power Blog

Information, insights, and ideas to help educate, motivate, and empower you and your team.

Digital Transformation Sessions

Brainstorm Ways to Break Free

While we may preach about the power of storytelling and the impact of technology to digitally transform your business presence at a show, we haven’t been providing many resources on how to help you on that journey further than thought leadership–today that changes.

We are excited to offer complementary digital transformation brainstorming sessions as an extension of this education effort for a limited time.

This time of year is when many exhibitors are looking forward to next year’s budget, and we want to help you come to the table with the dreams, numbers, and information that you need to leverage your presence properly next year on the show floor.

Time is money, so we’ve perfected a 30 minute agenda to swiftly explore

  • How you want to expand your exhibit presence
  • Collaborate on solutions and creative tweaks based on our industry expertise
  • Prepare your team with the information they need to tackle the digital revolution

Included is a no-obligation quote for you to take with you, allowing 2024 budgets to be built with in depth insight.

Framed after our creative launch sessions we hold for clients, it’s an incredible opportunity to meet with our team of event consultants who have been in the industry for combined decades, learn about the innovations that top players are embracing, and find inspiration that will make you the talk of the meeting at your next planning session.

Have you always wanted to learn what goes into creating an LED backdrop for your booth so you can stand out from the rest of the row?

Been jealous of a competitor’s custom game that draws lines to their giveaway?

Wondered how other exhibitors show up without cases of brochures, and still get their message across and out there?

This is your chance.

F2B prides ourselves on being digital storytellers who foster relationships with our clients, so let us give you a taste of what that entails.

The buy in? A small amount of your time. The reward? Endless opportunities to elevate your event presence, and some cool new friends to talk trade shows with.


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