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The F2B Power Blog

Information, insights, and ideas to help educate, motivate, and empower you and your team.

Sustainable and Limitless: The LED Revolution

Discover all of the benefits of LED Displays

Budget is everyone’s least favorite six letter word–always limiting, always looming. More and more exhibitors are finding it hard to showcase their mission while educating on all of their innovations. There isn’t enough booth space or time to talk at any event. The minute a new pamphlet gets published, a new product line is ready to hit the market.

To combat this, we’re loving the trend of rental options for event technology.

Trade shows are already super costly but digitizing marketing materials replaces the cost of all the outdated fabric and paper that needs to be replaced at the end of the quarter anyways! Keeping sales teams equipped with tech to display up to date information, demonstrations, and conversation starters that easily integrate INTO the booth is key.

Another plus–there’s an option that fits everybody.

From the smallest booths and budgets, to otherworldly activations, there’s no reason event pros shouldn’t be exploring the digital storytelling revolution. I mean, if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be the whole story.

Check our some of our modular LED and Interactive Kisosk  installations below + get some sparks to fire up your brainstorm.



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